Course Delivery 1 Minute Read

Faculty Time Management Strategies

Manage Time Spent Online

  • Block out specific times and days to work in course and check email – establish a routine, including buffer time
  • Monitor the course every day
  • Work online for small chunks of time
  • Use audio or video to provide feedback to students. (less time/high touch)
  • Have students or student teams moderate a discussion forum each week
  • Set expectations – don’t over-commit
  • Cut off email and mute phone when doing focused tasks
  • When checking email deal with each one immediately: file it, delete it, put in pending folder, or answer

Reduce Time Online 

  • Use an “Ask the Professor” or Q and A forum
  • Post a discussion summary at the end of the week
  • Keep a teaching journal with assignment tips and feedback to use again. (Note: Avoid using copy and pasted comments in feedback to students. All graded assignments should have personalized feedback from you to the student.)
  • Do not set unreasonable expectations early in the course

Reduce Student Questions

  • Reinforce ground rules in announcements
  • Provide clear guidelines and instructions
  • Establish clear deadlines using calendar
  • Set expectations for when you will respond and grade
  • Begin collecting a list of FAQs

Grading Time savers

  • Do not waste time on careless student work
  • Do not extensively mark grammar and punctuation, especially for drafts
  • Focus on teachable moments for feedback
  • Require that students organize their work (standard filename,date)
  • Use peer review for assignments
  • Use rubrics
  • Allow for drafts
  • Give feedback in a synchronous session or on a phone call when looking at drafts

Adapted from these web sites:

Posted October 6, 2023
Author admin-risepoint
Categories Course Delivery