Course Design

Course Structure

The Course Design Triangle

Course design is especially critical for online courses because you have to produce your course materials in advance. Once the course is live and students are enrolled, it’s much harder…

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Multimedia Use

Principles of Multimedia Learning

Richard Mayer’s seminal book Multimedia Learning details his extensive research on how to structure multimedia materials effectively to maximize learning. Relying on numerous experiments, he distills his findings into 12…

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Course Structure

Transitioning to an Online Class

Transitioning from teaching a face-to-face class to teaching an online course requires rethinking and reconfiguring materials. Lectures, activities, and assessments that worked for your face-to-face class will need to be…

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Course Structure

Course Context

When you design a face-to-face course, you probably start by asking questions. Who are my students likely to be? How large is the class? How many credits does the course…

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