Recommendations for Enhancing Your Online Course
Course design is fundamentally a process of continual improvement. After an institution has initially developed and taught a course at least once, it should go back into development for updates,…
Course design is fundamentally a process of continual improvement. After an institution has initially developed and taught a course at least once, it should go back into development for updates,…
The adoption of a master course philosophy involves an institution developing content for a single version of a course, which is then duplicated each time that course is offered. These…
When you design or teach an online course, it’s critical that your objectives, assessments, and instruction align with one another. Creating this type of cohesive structure isn’t just for your…
Objectives play a fundamental role in designing appropriate instruction. Objectives enable instructors to identify what students should know at the conclusion of an instructional activity, organize instructional activities and materials,…
In the online classroom, it’s important that instructors set and enforce parameters around what is and is not appropriate behavior. By doing so, the classroom environment becomes open to respectful…
Assessments refer to the activities students complete to demonstrate their competency in relation to predefined learning objectives. Broadly speaking, there are two types of assessments (formative and summative), but regardless…